Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Right or Just Wrong?
In an effort to play party politics, something the Mr. Limbaugh is very accustomed to doing; he made a statement claiming that it was the Democrats who caused the current economic recession. One could make this claim, however it was in the details that Rush fell short. According to him the “Democrats tried to talk [the United States] into a recession in 2005. They tried to talk [the United States] into a recession in 2006. And in 2007 they talked us into a recession.” Mr. Limbaugh elaborated by asserting that it was their intention to do so. This makes no rational sense what so ever. Not that the Democratic party is above doing anything like it, but just the notion that any group of individuals can “talk” a recession into happening in the first place. This shows a clear ignorance by Mr. Limbaugh of not just economics in general, but of how the financial system in this country actually operates.
Our current recession was no more caused by the Democrats talking about it; then illness is caused by a surplus in blood and bile! No amount of talking causes the large quantity of malinvestment that is required to send an entire economic system into a depression, unless the people talking are the governors of the Federal Reserve Board discussing whether or not to increase the money supply. That is the true cause of the financial disaster that our country just faced and it is what Mr. Limbaugh should have said if he wished to address this issue. He had the opportunity to discuss how an increase in the money supply does this by distorting the information that entrepreneurs use to determine what the consumers’ time preference is, i.e. interest rates. He could have spoken abstractly about business cycles and their existence. Besides, even if he honestly believes in his statement it fails to explain the fact that it is not consumer goods that fail to sell, but is rather in sharp decline in the purchase of capital goods. Instead Mr. Limbaugh was too busy trying to take a cheap whack at the Democrats or was just too thick to realize that he should not speak of things that he has no knowledge of. Either way is just as bad.
Only a well informed populace will have the ability to reestablish the American Republic. If we the American people ever hope to take our government back from the political hack jobs in Washington then we need to hold the political talk show figure heads accountable. Their misinformation is just as bad as any terrible piece of legislation that our government can pass. They also drive away any intelligent citizens who are sitting on the fence trying to see which side actually has solutions to our countries problems. Conservatives must realize that men like Rush Limbaugh are not the leaders of their cause that they should desire. They only serve to isolate the conservative movement from mainstream America very much like what Keith Olbermann does to the progressive movement. So when you hear Rush Limbaugh makes these blatantly incorrect claims, write to him expressing your displeasure as I have done. Although next time I hear him say something so sickening I might just have to resort to bleeding!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Feeling Any Better Yet?
I never thought that I would find something moving enough to motivate me to write in this blog. Apparently all it took was the total abuse of the Federal government’s power and the shredding of our nation's Constitution. I hope this and more will drive me to keep this blog going if for no one else then for myself.
Never in my short life have I been more sickened to the stomach than I am now, after watching the passage of this unconstitutional garbage that they call a bill. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that the Federal Government has the power to pass such legislation. Anyone that believes that I am incorrect has obviously never read the Federalist Papers which clearly defines the language used in the Constitution. The ability for the Federal government to regulate Commerce was never intended to be used in this manner. It was written into the Constitution to prevent the states from erecting trade barriers between one another, such as inter-state tariffs.
Even if you try to support H.R. 3590 through the Supreme Court decision of Gibbons v. Ogden, you will run into a problem. Health Insurance companies do not operate over state lines. This means that their businesses are not that of inter-state commerce. So how do you justify the passage of regulations, through the use of an inter-state commerce clause (Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution) on businesses that do not operate in an inter-state manner? The fact is that it is not possible in any sense of rational logical thought. But that is what seems to be missing from every branch of our Federal government these days, among many other aspiring traits.
One aspect of H.R. 3590 that few have discussed, but are of major importance to every young American is the amendment which affects student loans. The fact that a Health Care Reform has an amendment to it that even concerns the way student loans are handled is pathetic and baffling enough. Now consider the fact that this amendment is a complete overhaul of the student loan system. Everything from how these loans are handed out, how they are administered, and to amount of such loans. I was forced to stop writing for just a moment as I heard Barack Obama give his speech following the bill’s passage. Speaking of the house bill H.R. 3590, this bill “removed [items] from the Senate bill which should never have been there.” The timing of this statement is almost laughable and would be were it not for the reality and severity of what has happened here tonight.
In conclusion, what you of Congress have done here the night of March 21, 2010 is a disgrace not just to the history of our faltering country, but also to the rule of law and ultimately to the American people. If you wish to treat our Constitution as just a piece of tissue than I will do the same to this crap that you call a bill. I vow that I will not pay any new taxes for it and I challenge the Federal government to force every other American citizen who shares my opinion and me to pay. I warn you though that should you do so you will be forcing the hand of the American people who stand firmly against the oppressive use of illegal power and there will be a price to pay for you.
I also conclude with a challenge for the American people. If you wish to stop this oppressive Federal government from further abuse of its power then you must educate yourself so that you know how they are breaking the law in order to strip you of your right. Read your Constitution and follow up by reading the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist papers which explain the laws of our country and why the Framers of the Constitution wrote the document the way they did.